Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Benefits Of Lightweight Techniques

Ensuring that a product is at its optimum or right weight or making a product lighter, while ensuring that its existing product characteristics, and hence the performance, are not affected can bring a number of business benefits, most notably the cost benefits. The concept of light weighting is a concept well known to the engineers and structural designers in all applications areas, from the laptops to bicycles to buildings to automobiles and airplanes.

Reducing weight of structures can provide a number of advantages, including better design, increased energy efficiency, better coupling with new and improved usability, and multi-functional features. The use of lightweight materials in vehicles will increase the fuel efficiency by cutting the emissions, but the auto industry lacks the data and material models needed to reliably manufacture vehicle the components from lightweight substitutes, including high-strength steels, aluminum alloys, and polymer composites. Cost avoidance through the lightweighting of packaging remains high on the agenda for almost every brand owner, pack supplier, and retailer.

Reducing the materials weight sand modifying the pack format to lighter the configurations is an ongoing effort for almost every business in support of reduction of environmental burden, cost reduction, and progressing towards the sustainability. Much legislation is in place around world to support this and significant pressure from retailers and consumers. By reviewing the physical demands of product and pack for all the stages of life cycle, the industry is able to identify the key factors for consideration in lightweighting, ensuring the materials reduction or change does not introduce safety risk, the damage, or other detrimental effect in supply chain.

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